Working Wear
Working Wear
Category : Apparel
We, Nanachart Traders, work on putting strength into production and sales as a manufacturing trade company engaged in from materials developments to production for working wear.
Dear Valuable customer
Please contact us if you are not satisfied with the uniforms (working wear) currently available in Thailand !
We, as a Japan manufacturer of working wear, carry out strict quality control at our Vietnam factories, and mainly provide our working wear to customers who need more than 1,000 working wear. Our working wear is a little more expensive than the ones currently available in Thailand, but we are sure you will be satisfied because we provide Japan-quality working wear with high functionality, durability and good design. Please choose our working wear.
現在のタイにて流通しているユニフォーム (ワーキングウェア) に満足していないお客様は、是非 弊社にお問い合わせ下さい!
弊社では、弊社ベトナム工場にて厳しい品質管理を実施しており、主に 1,000着以上のユニフォーム (ワーキングウェア)を必要とするお客様に弊社の 日本品質の高機能・耐久性、及びデザイン性の高い ユニフォーム (ワーキングウェア)を提供しております。タイにて流通している一般的なユニフォーム(ワーキングウェア)に比べると、値段は少し高くなりますが、きっとご満足頂けるかと思います。
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