Ready-to-use filling | Grain Mix

Product Name

Ready-to-use fillingGrain Mix


Grain Mix is Ready-to-Use bakery filling made from cooked multi grains, such as riceberry,
sesame, adlay, oats, barley. It does not contain any added sugar or sweetener. As it is retort
product and additives-free, it is a clean-label product.

Our Grain mix is ideal for your Healthy-oriented bakery products with plenty of nutrition and
characteristic texture from multi grains. Because it is Ready-to-Use product, it can be used also
for deli products such as grain salad.


10-15% per flour, up to recipe


Roof bread, Puff pastry, etc


1kg x 15 aluminum pouch/carton


Barley, Wheat, Oats, Soy, Sesame